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Why You Should Have Live Chat On Your Website


Why You Should Have Live Chat On Your Website

Nowadays when you go to any serious website, you’re bound to see a little chat widget on the bottom right of the screen. Taking just a few minutes to set this up on your website could have some transformational results for your website. Kissmetrics, a company that specializes in helping website owners improve their performance, has published a convincing report called: “5 Reasons Why Live Chat is The Untapped Potential for Your Business” that offers some compelling statistics.


Consider the following for example:

  • 62% of website users reported being more likely to purchase from a site with live chat support again
  • 38% reported that a chat supported based interaction was an important/deterministic factor in their purchase
  • 44% of online consumers said having questions answered by a live person while in the middle of an online shopping session is one of the most important features a website can offer
  • 94% of customers who were proactively invited to chat reported high satisfaction with the experience
  • 45% of customers say chat’s most important benefit is near-instant access to a company agent


From a web master or website owner perspective, live chat is also proved to cause:

  • Reduced bounce rate
  • Improved customer service ratings
  • Increased conversions and sales
  • Cost effectiveness




Most live chat platforms like and Lucky Orange offer robust reporting capabilities that allow its users to track visitors’ activity on the site and feed data to the sales team, and to internally audit the effectiveness of the program and make ongoing improvements.


In most cases, a smiling face ready to help has tremendous positive effects on your website. Got more tips about live chat or other ways to use your website to generate leads? Share them in the comments section below! Be sure to drop us a line if you want to talk further about website strategy or marketing strategies.

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