Why Your Business Needs A Blog
If you manage your own social media, you’ve probably wondered where you should spend the bulk of your social media time.Instagram? Twitter? Facebook?
You might have asked yourself: Does my website need a blog?
Want to know the right answer? None of the above. Don’t spend hours on Twitter and Facebook and instead opt to spend more time developing blog content. And not just any blog content, but quality content that delivers value to your community. You’ll start to realize that when you create quality content like tutorials, samples of projects you’ve done, news, social media efforts will start to fall into place. After all, how can you promote on social media if you’ve got nothing to promote? Without promotion on social media, how do you expect to grow your business? See where we’re going with this? In short, every eCommerce or business with a website needs a blog or some sort of area in which content is produced and shared.
Below are 5 reasons why you need a blog now:
Thought leadership and authority
Blogging is a great way to establish yourself as a leader in your field. Writing posts about issues in your industry allows you to position yourself as an expert, showing visitors to your site (i.e. potential sales leads) that you’re authoritative. Put yourself in a consumer’s shoes for a minute. Would you feel more comfortable working with someone with published information and expertise, or someone cloaked in shadows and promises? Preferably you’d want potential customers to see you as an expert when they visit your website.
Your SEO ranking will guaranteed increase if you start creating blog content. If you are pumping out frequently updated content that uses an SEO keyword and is correctly optimized for search, you can boost your SEO ranking much better than you could with a site that just has static content on it. You don’t have to pay for Google Adwords or sponsored links if you have a high quality SEO optimized blog that people are visiting, commenting on, and sharing. It will take some time if you are starting from scratch, but stick with it! Simply put, blogging is power. You get to boost your SEO ranking, and you’re creating original content that belongs to you, not Facebook.
Social Media
When you start creating blog content of your own and sharing it on social media, you’re providing value to your users. That’s one of the top things you can do to gain a high-quality following on social media sites. You know your business inside and out; and that means that you have expertise and knowledge to add to the conversation and share with others. It’s just a matter of writing it down (or taking a photo, or shooting a video, or recording a podcast) and sharing it. Plus, when you create your own content, you have built-in material for sharing on social media–and when people like and share your content, that means that your site gets more clicks. “Doing social media” by sharing content that other people created is okay–but if you want to really start seeing real results from your social media marketing efforts, you need to become a content creator yourself. A blog is the one of the easiest, cheapest (try free) and most effective ways to start creating your own viral content.
Blog content matters!
Looking to take your blog beyond the basic templates? We develop custom blogs and content that will match your branding, and we can help you develop content and social strategies that will drive clicks to your site, plus help you understand how to create content that will be search engine optimized. Contact us today to learn more.
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